Flutter App Prototyping
For a university course, we had to adjust the given app to fit the needs of the course.
The app was developed in Flutter, and we had to make some adjustments to it.
The basic idea was to implement an API call to the https://anapioficeandfire.com/
and then display the data in a list or something else.
So, I overdid it a little bit, and made a little bit of a mess.
Not only that I displayed the data, and made it searchable,
I changed the app icon, added a splash screen, and made it look a little bit better.
And if that was not enough, I added some additional features.
I also called the https://game-of-thrones-quotes.herokuapp.com/v1/random
and displayed quotes from the GoT characters.
After that I added a music Player with some GoT songs. And at the very end, I changed the font, colors and added a bottom nav bar as a menu.